Cornell Name: Debbie Lathrop
Current Home City: San Diego, CA
Your College: Arts and Sciences
Email Address:
Tell us what you’re doing with your life:
After graduation I went into television production and worked in Boston, Chicago and LA. I met my husband, Bob, at the Huntington Library and moved to San Diego after we got married. We’ve had 3 terrific children who are currently in college or graduated and employed (hooray!) I enjoyed volunteering with their schools, sports teams and in scouts as they were growing up. I went to our local community college to learn computer information systems and digital design about 10 years ago and I currently create websites for small businesses and non-profits (including this fine website for the class of ’77!) I’m looking forward to traveling, reading and gardening until some grandchildren come along (which may be quite a while according to my kids).
In what year did you last set foot on the Ithaca campus, and what was the purpose of your visit?
I went to our 35th reunion and thoroughly enjoyed catching up with Tri-Delta friends and going to all the amazing lectures and taking tours all over campus.

Circa 1975, this was going to be the photo on the back cover of my great American novel.
List your favorite class(es) while at Cornell.
Alison Lurie – Children’s Lit
Food Chemistry – Human Ecology class
Carl Sagan – Astronomy
I took a computer class and it was all about punching cards and keeping the deck together till you could drop it off at midnight to run in the computer. I wish I could go back and take some classes in 3-D modeling and graphics!
Provide your favorite memory of your time at Cornell.
Drinking jasmine tea, listening to classical music and reading/studying with rain pouring outside that little cafe in the back of the law school and sitting around the fireplace at Tri-Delta laughing, singing drinking songs and reciting poetry till the wee hours of the morning.
Share any random or surprising encounters with Cornell or
Cornellians since you left.
I love the reunions every few years with the Tri-Deltas of the 70s. We meet in a different area of the country each time and it’s been great to reconnect.
What advice would you give to a member of the Class of 2019?
Take classes that interest you in other colleges. Take something for physical education (do they still have that requirement?) that you’ve never tried before like fencing (I did)! Explore all over the campus! Go to poetry readings, apple picking, concerts and hockey games. Have some ice cream at the Cornell Dairy on a regular basis. Keep in touch with friends you make in college.